This is what I was doing on 03 Dec 2018

  • Currently in Edinburgh, still working for Avaloq as a software engineer. Still semi-enjoying it.
  • Moved in with my partner Danny, we now live in Shandon with our two dogs (Charlie and Sid)!
  • Not really writing very much anymore, which is a shame. Honestly, I just struggle to find the time to sit down and type, or when I do have time, I lack the motivation.
  • Also not travelling enough! Mainly due to financial constraints, but I do want to do more. So far this year, I’ve only been to Vienna to meet Danny’s parents, although we are also going to California to see her extended family this month, and we have a trip planned to redacted in January (it’s a surprise). And we’ve been to Mull and Aberdeen, so I’m seeing more of Scotland which is something I really want to do.
  • My running streak has just passed the first year milestone (yay!). Lots of running plans for the new year, but only one more Canicross race with Charlie left planned in for 2018.
  • Currently reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall; good so far, and I’ve made it through more than I did the last time I attempted. The subject matter is interesting, but the writing style grates on me a little. Enjoying it, but it does sometimes feel like I’m persevering rather than being engrossed.
  • Learning German! Ich bin noch ein Anfänger, aber ich verbessere mich jeden Tag! Ich muss aber mehr reden. Ich lese und schreibe viel, spreche aber nicht genug.